is a web experience developed by cece to utilize a digital landscape to explore the archiving of artifact-triggered memories. The main goal of this experience is to cultivate a small collection of memories, stories, feelings, whispers, and secrets through object association by utilizing interactive fiction to carry users through a narrative and imply “play” through criticality.

There is something fascinating about how different individuals approach the documentation of their every day lives. I wanted to capture this through an interactive story where we explore how we contextualize our memories. The concept is related to object permanence or the idea that "objects still exist" even when we can no longer see them in front of us. We still have images of them within our heads, and we associate feelings and memories with those objects, intentionally or not. Your goal is to be present and add your own input so that we can build a universal library of personal stories.

I believe that it's wonderful how we find magic in the mundane through the objects we carry and the memories that we associate with them. "What do you think about when you see me?" Is the running theme I want to embody through this project.

Keywords: playification, documentation/archiving, storytelling, recollection, emotional triggers, implied play through criticality, interactive fiction

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